Remember Information Easily With The 1st Key To Memory

There are three keys to improving your memory. And that’s because these keys are the foundation to how memory techniques work. The first most important key imagination. Most of the information you learn is pretty boring because it consist of numbers, words, and even symbols. There isn’t too much fun going on there! Also, the material itself can be extremely boring which makes it hard to learn in the first place.

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Anne Bernadette Bonita (AB Bonita) Memory Interview Profile

AB Bonita gave a fantastic interview! She is the national director and head coach of the Philippine Memory Team. I was impressed how she went from competitor to coach in such a short time! I had the privilege of meeting her when I went to the World Memory Championship in 2013. She has a lot to share and is an amazing person. Have fun reading Anne Bernadette Bonita's memory interview profile!

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Kevin Schulz Memory Interview Profile

Kevin Schulz gave a lot of great information in his memory interview profile! He wrote at least a paragraph for each of his answers. I was fascinated by seeing how memory techniques play a role in Kevin's life and how everything came together. Kevin also gives me a challenge when we are doing online memory matches! Blue Screen! Enjoy this memory interview profile of Kevin Schulz!

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How I Got Into Memory Techniques (My Full Story)

When people ask me how I improved my memory, I usually give them a very short summary of my story. My full story takes a lot more time to tell, but there are parts of my story that I don't like talking about because it makes me feel uneasy and brings back horrible memories.But I want to share my full story with you to show you and everyone that you can improve your memory no matter what. 

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