Just because you create a memory palaces doesn't mean you are ready to use it. You need to break your palace in before any memorization because you don't want to run into any problems! Make sure you have a stockpile of memory palaces so you don’t have to wait for the palace you just broke in.
Read MoreWouldn’t it be nice to learn information just by listening to a story? Learn the 10 largest bodies of water just by listening to the story I create! You get to see my creativity at work and just get to sit back. All you have to do is remember the story I tell which will be really easy since it is crazy! haha
Read MoreThere a a lot of factors that go into memorizing quickly in competition. One of the most basic and fundamental factors is mastering your memory systems because you have to use them and if you struggle to use, you will struggle to memorize!
Read MoreSome people have a natural gift where they already see color, noises, sounds, and tastes when they shouldn't be. Memory techniques are the closer we can get to developing our own synaesthesia! Who knows what memory techniques can do!
Read MoreAs you learn more memory techniques, you might start making all these different memory systems. But you don't want to keep changing the systems you are using for a "better" memory system! I know it is tempting to do but is a mistake!
Read MoreYou're in your laundry room, and you see this big pile of laundry all the way to the ceiling. You tell yourself it's going to take you a year to do all of the laundry. All of a sudden, boom!! A bear burst out of the laundry pile all angry like and starts knocking everything over.
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