Using every single location you have in a house, park, or store seems like a good idea when you are creating a memory palace. If locations in your palace are similar, you have a problem you need to fix quick! When you're creating a memory palace, you might think you can use any items as a location regardless of how the items/locations look similar.
Read MoreA lot of people think memory techniques are just cool tricks that don't have any real use. Uh getting free pizza is a real use wouldn't you say? haha Hear how I used my memory skill to score me some free pizza! I know memorize all those cards and numbers weren't useless haha
Read MoreMost of the time when you get information, it is not organize in the best way for you to learn it. But you might not even pay attention to how material is organize which is a mistake you want to avoid! Organizing can make learning material so much easier. A simple change in the organization can make it so much easier to learn the material. Many people, myself included, have made this mistake without realizing!
Read MoreIf you ever forgot where you parked your car, you probably freak out like I do! You probably think someone stole your car haha Never forget where you parked your car again with this memory technique! I'm going to help prevent a scary situation from happening!
Read MoreYou might think you have to learn whatever information you are given because why else would you be given it, right? Well it turns out you might not need to learn everything but only a handful of things! If you are given a sheet of paper or a book, you think that you have to learn everything on the sheet or in the book.
Read MoreHave you every learned material but had no clue on how often or when you should review it? Spaced repetition helps you exactly with this idea! You might have heard of something called spaced repetition. Spaced repetition is when you review information in specific intervals.
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