How To Practice Memory Techniques: Creating Memory Palaces Exercise

How many memory palaces do you have? Chances are you might not have enough palaces or locations to store information. This is a problem! Not having memory palaces means you can't use the memory palace technique. Using a palace might be the best way to store the information you are learning and if you don't have a palace, you have to create one on the spot which is a pain. This week you will learn a exercise to help you create memory palaces!

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Story Time #1: Pikachu Riding A Shark

This is going to be the best series I am going to do because I get to tell crazy and weird stories! These stories are not just random stories but useful information. I want to show the process I go through to create images for information, and the stories that go with them. Leave me comments letting me know what information you want me to create images for then stories! Check out what my first crazy story represents...

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Focus On Your Weaker Classes

Let's be honest: You probably have a class or classes you are not the best at. How much time do you devote to that class? If you are like me... you tried to put as little as time as possible towards your weak classes! You are going to learn why you have to put more time in your weaker classes than your stronger classes. This week's idea can be applied beyond school and every area of your life! 

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