Posts in Memory Improvement
What Is The Method Of Loci? Also Known As The Memory Palace, Journey Method, and Roman Room

Have you even been talking to someone about movies, then you couldn’t remember the actor’s name? You couldn't remember the actor’s name in order to save your life! So you finally give up and go on talking. But later that night when you are brushing your teeth, you remember the actor’s name! haha It is a pain when you can’t find the information you need. Well, you are about to learn how to store information so you know exactly where it is!

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The Importance Of Reviewing What You Learned and How To Review

When it comes to learning information, most people leave out one of the most important things: Reviewing. People think if they spent hours learning the material, they will be able to remember it later with ease but this is not the case. When using memory techniques, you still need to review or the information will disappear even though memory techniques allow you to learn information faster and remember it for longer. Find out how to review correctly so you don’t forget what you learn!

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Memory Interview: Johannes Mallow - Number 1 Ranked Mental Athlete and World Memory Champion

For my next interview, I talk with Johannes Mallow who is one of the most amazing mental athletes to ever compete in memory competitions. He is a World Memory Champion, the top ranked mental athlete in the world, and he was the first ever to score over 10,000 points in a competition. But the most amazing part of the interview is when Johannes talks about how memory competitions saved his life. You don't want to miss out on hearing his story! You will see how much bigger memory improvement is than just being able to memorize a deck of cards.

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